Dry eye is the most frequently reported discomfort. This alteration of the ocular surface is normally caused by a decrease in the quality or quantity of the tear film and, in more detail, is distinguished into marginal or pathological dry eye.
We are generally accustomed to placing dry eye as a 'pathological condition of the few'. In reality, marginal dryness is what we all experience every day, working at the computer, watching television, using smartphones and being exposed to environmental factors such as wind, smoke, heat or air conditioning that can create precisely these alterations in the tear state of our eyes, which implies discomfort, redness, burning and a sensation of a foreign body in our eyes.
It is possible to remedy these problems by instilling eye drops into the eyes to moisturise and replenish the tear film; these drops will provide not only a watery component but also a mucin and lipid component (the fattest part of the tears produced by our eyes), thus creating a nourishing and lubricating action. There are also drops specifically for moisturising the eyes of contact lens wearers. We can therefore take care of our eyes on a daily basis through these countless products that will be selected according to each individual's ocular needs.